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Algunos de los proyectos en los que he trabajado.

Jobby - Job Board & Resume Builder

Jobby is a fully-functional job board & resume builder app built with Next.js, where employers and candidates are able to follow the entire hiring process through the platform.

Do you know Math?

It is a PWA game that challenges your mathematical skills made in React.js. It use the local storage of the browser to save the user registry and its respective score. You may check another React Native version (on web) [here](


Samus is the most innovative Dominican school administration system in the country. Making use of the best technologies, digital security, and cloud services.


The Utils-DO, This small library is a handler and sources of data related to Dominican Republic.


Is an instagram clone. UI proposal of a social network just for photos, with a cleaner interface and built with no modern front-end framework. Fotogram was made for educational purposes.